Blogging and Twitter and Whatnot

I have officially joined the blogging community. Surprisingly, I'm feeling fairly alright with that. At least this "medium" (I think blogging is actually what one could consider a medium now. Crazy, huh?) expects some form of higher literacy, unlike our acquaintance, Twitter. 

I'm not feeling Twitter, at this point. Recently, I figured it would be a decent idea to find out what this website is. So, I did, and, oh my goodness, how impressive. I watched the video introduction, and learned about Carla, who "reads blogs everyday, is addicted to her mobile phone, and has contacts all over the world". Wow, Carla is a shinning example of how we all should be! Then, and I actually took a screen shot of this, it says, the message "is exactly 140 characters. It's not too many words, but that's what makes it great. Twitter means you do not ever have to read long messages". I understand that often less (or, in fact "Les",) is more, but somehow I don't think that's exactly what is meant. 

Also, that it's just status updates, and little else, I mean, what are we fostering here? Talk about addiction. "Krystyn just inhaled!" "Krystyn just exhaled!" Sure, some people may lead particularly interesting lives, but to turn around and blast that everywhere... Come on! And if you don't do that, you're not keeping up with the Twitter world, and then where would you be?

Thus I have taken up blogging, which I already sort of did, in order to keep up with our fascinating and fast twenty-first century world, without making too many sacrifices. We'll see where it goes.


  1. Twitter just allows fans / followers to keep updated with their idols and what they're doing ... like laundry ... or washing their car ... or cleaning their house, lol. If you're a very private person, that Twitter is not for you. If you like the world to know what you're doing, then tweet away. =)
