Remember this?

25 Random KL Facts:

1. I’m a huge zombie buff. I love zombie satire, lore, movies, and gore. I think I’d like to find myself a zombie boyfriend, because I know he’ll love me for my brain.

2. I take notes nearly compulsively. I’m obsessed with efficiency, and generally map out everything out in some capacity before doing whatever it is I’m going to do.I carry around a small field-recording device with me to collect sounds anywhere I go.

3. I carry around a small field-recording device with me to collect sounds anywhere I go.

4. I honestly cannot imagine my life without magic.

5. When I grow up I want to be some concoction of Tom Waits, April Winchell, and John Cleese.

6. I’m chiefly interested in linguistics (evolutionary, historical), philosophy, psychology (evolutionary, child development), theatre (playwriting, direction), anthropology (language development), human twins, religious studies, zeppelins, post-life decay, Suburban history, European history, sound design/Foley art, poetry, and the sham of the Kennedy family. Oh, and sea monsters.

7. I like orange juice with lots of pulp.

8. I am almost overly inquisitive. I’m quite opinionated, though.

9. Paul Johnson is my hero.

10. My favourite holiday has always been Valentine’s Day. I think it’s wonderful to have a day where we can openly express admiration for humans, romantically or otherwise, and have it be socially acceptable.

11. Grammar is my life.

12. I’m a romantic realist and a semantic idealist.

13. If I could make anything appear out of thin air (as I’m often asked) it would be smooth verbal transitions to avoid awkward moments in conversation.

14. I experience dejavu exceedingly frequently.

15. I have all sorts of relationships with numbers, letters, colours, works of art, most anything, really. (That’s all owing to my Synesthesia, though.)

16. I’ve been asked to lecture on the magic of Lewis Carroll at an upcoming magic convention, and am ridiculously excited.

17. I have chronic PND, so I often have to clear my throat. I also have a bladder deficiency so I often have to visit the restroom. (For more information of KL being an experimental case, please contact Simon.)

18. I have created a lot of characters, and a favourite hobby of mine is writing dialogs for them.

19. I’m especially addicted to Dinosaur Comics. is amazing. My strongest entertainment addiction, however, is most certainly Monty Python. (I mean, talk about fanatic.)

20. My favourite food is probably super pretzels.

21. I maintain much paranoia. Some are fairly irrational, like fearing that sharks will jump out of random places such as darkened stairwells, toilets, trashcans, or sinks, but some are particularly practical, like being concerned about hand crank pencil sharpeners destroying my pencils before the SAT (which actually happened once). One of my newest involves Zuni Fetishes. (Thanks, Will.) Oh, gosh, and low flying planes! What the heck?

22. Water is very grounding for me. When I get frustrated or excited or just need to muse I’ll shower, bathe, or swim, etc.

23. My knees are double jointed, and I can lick my elbow.

24. I’m pretty much an Objectivist. Rand rocks my socks.

25. I’m always willing to offer author/book recommendations.

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