Gee, thanks, facebook.

Ok, there's a new facebook layout. 

So now we make status update-like comments on each others wall, which is impersonal, if you write is as, "KRYSTYN LAMBERT is saying hi to you, Cassie!" If you don't write it that way, your name is just awkwardly there, which isn't really a big deal, but the subtle implications of this whole business are curious.

Wasn't it a little weird that we can write on our own walls... Sure, you're "status updating"... Sort of. Wasn't it sort of awkward to write on your own wall before this change... And now it's all ok? Maybe this one is just me...

Then the idea of everyone seeing your wall-to-wall makes me more paranoid that I was previously. This might be a place for friends, but... Well, at least the wall-to-wall feed, too, is controllable.

Also, gosh, "Share". What is all of this sharing nonsense? Did we do that before? I thought we just posted before. I don't want to "Share". And, "What's on your mind?" Please. What more, "Krystyn + Friends"? Enough.

Oh, and the general news feed... It's so clogged up with people's status reports. I mean, I care what people are up to, but I've just taken the time to log onto facebook, and that's not all I want to see. You know?

And now we can comment on other people's comments!? Where will this lead?

Gah, and there are plenty of other weird things, I'm sure. 

Besides, I thought an Obama campaign promise was to bring back the old facebook, anyway. (Hahaha.) 
I'm smelling something very fishy here.

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