Unfinished Business

I mentioned that I would blog again once I finished my Spinoza reading, and now here I am well over a month later blogging. To be honest, I lied. I'm still not finished with my Spinoza reading. I'm taking the History of Modern Thought and Introduction to Philosophy of Mind, and he just keeps popping up.
Next quarter I'll be taking another version of the History of Modern Thought, this time focusing on modernism, Logic I, and probably a linguistics course. I wonder if Bento will decide to show up again. We'll see.
Regardless, as you may have guessed a lot has happened in the last month... It's college, where more can happen in one day than can happen in three weeks otherwise. Attending UCLA has been the largest emotional roller coaster I've ridden in my life. It's amazing.
When I first moved to school I expected to be surrounded by a bunch of trained test takers who had sold their souls to the SAT. At first it felt like those were the only sort of people I met, and I was a little concerned. "Ah! Where is the zest? Where is the gusto?! Air! Please, I need air!" However, with a school that large statistically you're bound to find a wider variety of students. And I have. It's wonderful. We write songs about having affairs with Descartes, we build cardboard box forts, we spend evenings dancing through campus singing Disney songs, and the list continues. UCLA is an ideal home for me. It seems as though everything is there, and this paragraph really can't do it justice.
Academically, it's delicious, and I can't get enough. My professors are truly top in their fields, and most every class serves a savory plate of... Oh gosh. Can you spell trite? OK, so school's phenomenal. I feel like this post hardly scratches the surface, but maybe that's alright. I mean, I also feel like my experiences at UCLA are so fresh, beautiful, and particular to me... I'm still in the process of reveling in them. I'm still cherishing them, and I think I'm not quite ready to share. When I am, I'll let you know, but in the meantime, perhaps these simplistic posts will have to suffice.

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