High School Death and Taxes

Musing about college and social interactions, another interesting thing is that what I was scorned for in high school is often what I'm praised for in college. Thank goodness I never have to go through that again! Being passionate, energetic, successful with my career, academic, and you know, just a little quirky (just a little bit) have made me quite likable where I am now, as opposed to being the fuel for nasty glares, rude remarks, and being seen as generally "uncool."

To those of you still in high school, hang in there, and don't compromise who you are, besides what’s necessary for mere survival, obviously. It’s just not worth it. You know, we're all a little mad here. You have to find the right human companions, and they are out there.

It seems as though most people in high school are so busy being concerned about what other people are thinking about them, that no one has time to actually think about anyone else but themselves. I mean, sure, you might not be "cool" or people may still look at you strangely, but no one truly cares. Besides, chances are those kids who are "cool" or give you those weird looks are pretty envious of the fact that you're okay with being atypical.

And when it's over, it's over. Seriously, no worries. Writing this I can’t help but recall Idle's "Always Look on the Bright Side of Life." He's right. Just remember, you are going to get through it, and once you do, forget those social restraints. When you move on, they’re not applicable anymore. You’re free.

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