"Check Her Out"

When I founded this blog, I received a number of requests for video blogs. When school picked up, and I started blogging less, I received even more requests for video blogs. So I decided, why not? And thus YouTube.com/TeamKrystyn was born.
On this page I, along with other members of the team, will post various video blogs, videos we've taken that you might find interesting, and probably some magic clips.
I think I'm also creating this as a sort of response to all of the Krystyn videos that have already been posted on YouTube. I'm amused by how much has been uploaded, but at times somewhat embarrassed, because not everything up there is what I would have selected.
Though you know, those videos remind me of where I used to be. It's all part of the learning process, and I'm growing so quickly that what's satisfying to me one day may not be the next. But I'm doing what I love, expanding my horizons, and having a blast. Awww!

By the way, how thrilling is this?

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