A Taste of Winter Quarter

So here’s a new post! Mainly because this linguistics homework is really ridiculous and super tedious, aaannnd I just haven’t added much in a million years. I started working on another project here at school that wound up being pretty similar to this blog, and most of the pieces I produced just never wound up making here. But moving on… I suppose academic updates? Fascinating, right? Actually, totally.

I really lucked out with classes. I'm taking Elementary Italian 2, which is continuing the first class I took last quarter. I have a much better TA this quarter, though, thankfully. I'm also taking Structure of English Words, which so far has been awesome. We've got this old, Bulgarian woman as our teacher who's just so excited to be there talking about the subject matter. I've found the past few lectures to be, well, almost spiritual occurrences, if you will, as I get so in the zone that my appearance doesn't matter, where I am- who I'm around doesn't matter... All I'm concerned with is the material on this intense intellectual, academic level that it's like an out-of-body experience. Extremely refreshing. We'll see how it holds up. And I'm taking Philosophy of Language, which has been incredibly interesting. We're spending the quarter on one paragraph of one of Frege's essays, and our professor learned from one of Frege's students, so we're like Frege's grandstudents. How adorable. It's a super crazy class, though, just in that it's so in depth (It’s week eight, and we’ve gone over four paragraphs of “On Sense and Nominatum.”) and the professor is so top-notch. Not to mention, he's the oldest professor in the department, and is a total riot. (Oh! And not to mention he also used to be a magician! But more on that later.)

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