More Magic

Magic updates! Hey! Well, I just performed at the DVD release gala for the new documentary of deaf entertainers, See What I’m Saying, which Universal just took on. So the show was at Universal Studios, Hollywood, in the Globe Theatre (right by the Terminator 3D attraction), and it was a royal blast! I’ve worked within the deaf community previously with the GLAD Association, and it was an honour to be back. Working with the amazing and talented people who were part of this film was inspiring and a lot of fun. I hope you’re able to watch the film at some point, or at least take a peak at the trailer. And working at Universal was just surreal! We had to go through the “backstage” of the park in order to get to the theatre for tech rehearsal, and it was bizarre seeing costumed characters wandering around without their heads on, or Marilyn and Frankenstein’s monster on a coffee break together. On the day of the show, we had to enter through the loading dock, but got in the wrong elevator… Instead of going into the theatre, we went into the monster house! Super trippy. It’s four layers, which I didn’t realize, so every time we’d press a button hoping to get off, we’d just be on another layer of creepy set pieces and screaming teenage girls. Eventually, we found the right spot, but that’s just a taste of the experience.

Make Believe! Let’s talk about that! Super exciting. First of all, we have the first official public screening this Monday at the World Magic Seminar, after which there will be a director/producer/stars Q&A. (I’m flying out to Vegas on Sunday to participate, and am really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, I have to fly home immediately afterward for a linguistics quiz. Blehh.) Aallso, the film has been picked up by Showtime! It’ll premiere on April 12th. Here’s the official release about it, and here’s a piece with a bit more detail. After that, probably around Spring or Summer, there will be a theatrical release, as well, but I’ll have to let you know more about that once I know more about it. ;)

In the meantime, I’ve been working on some new pieces, especially through various local open mic nights and campus events. They’ve provided a great environment for me to practice and showcase consistently, beyond when I’m performing at formal gigs. I’ve been having a ball! Again, I’ll keep you updated with such things as they come up. I will add, though, that I’m really pumped for Future Stars this year!

1 comment:

  1. I have watched "Make Believe" 3 times already, and out of the thousands and thousands of movies I have seen in 37 years, this is easily in the top 10.
    Krystyn you really light up the screen, and like the other magicians, have us rooting for you to succeed in all your endeavors.
    Thank you!
