Not as Bitter about Twitter

Maybe it’s all of the fatigue from travel and shows getting to me, but Twitter doesn’t seem as bad as it once did. Skeptical of a respected friend joining the fad, I visited the website again only to realize that you can unofficially follow people’s posts. That is, read the posts without joining the online community. One thing after another, I was on David Blaine’s page, and found his Twitter technique to be interesting. Whenever he finds an intriguing link or takes an amusing photo, he uses Twitter to share the information. It is for that purpose that I started blogging, however with blogging, one is expected to have quite a commentary accompanying whatever it is being posted. While this is wonderful, sometimes there’s just a funny page that needs little explanation. So, for this, Twitter may be a good option.

Additionally, I’ve been running little experiments with my facebook status updates, and find that the reaction time from me posting to “friends” commenting is very short. I consistently find it difficult to believe that people care about my happenings, but apparently this isn’t always the case. Hmm.

Now, I am a bit concerned that Twitter will become too consuming, and I feel weird perpetuating something for which I don’t stand (i.e. human drama addiction), but you know what, that’s not where my addictions lie, and if people are going to maintain such life styles, practically, there’s not too much I, Krystyn, can do about it. I mean, I can see Twitter being obnoxious if all one posts is mundane tidbits, but I'm pretty sure there are ways around that, and furthermore, one is in charge of whom he follows.

I'll keep you posted.

1 comment:

  1. Yes! Give me another vector with which to stalk you!
