Summer Travels

Hey, so (many of my posts begin with "so") I just uploaded some Summer travel photos onto my facebook dot com page, and here's an addition that I neglected:

Tweet, tweet...

Well, it's early, I'm tired... I'm I'm giving it a month, so we'll see how it goes.

Masters of Illusion Delusions

Masters of Illusion Season I has been off the air for a few weeks now, so in this century of instant gratification, it's been a long time. So I figured it’s now admissible for me to reveal some of the inside scoop of my experiences, at least. 

A few interesting tidbits: When I filmed the stage portions I had my appendix removed a about a week before. I mean, I was just out of the hospital, and filming under those conditions marked the first time I had gone against a doctor’s recommendation. 'Well, I can stand up, so I'm okay,' I decided. I had this intense abdominal brace on at all times, except when I was on stage, and it was still difficult for me to walk. It was such a bizarre experience. I’m still not quite sure how I pulled that off. It was totally worth it, though. I mean, those craft table gummy bears were good.

I filmed the street magic segments in three sessions. For the first one, I was called the day before, and told that I’d need a few tricks that did not use a deck of cards or a table. I had just enough material, so no sweat, I thought. We film, no problem. I was with about four other magicians. We’d rotate to keep the crowd present, and so we could set up our next effects in between performances. I came in with all of my scripts, etc., but the directors explained that in order to maintain the MTV Generation’s viewership, I’d have to scrap my lines in exchange for pure narration of my actions. Anyway, it wasn’t clear if FOX was even going to like the street magic bits, so the first session was sort of a test. However, MOI street magic was a hit.

Within a couple of weeks I was called again, and was told that FOX liked “that blonde magician” and wanted me on every episode. Um, well, it just so happened that that week I had the stomach flu. 'No big deal, whatev’s,' I figured, and I went ahead to shoot. Oh my. When I got to the studio to do the prelim camera rehearsal (which they started doing after the network decided that they wanted to air more street magic) I was told that I needed ten tricks to perform. “Um, uh, I’m sick, and I only have so many more effects that you haven’t already seen,” I felt like saying. Regardless, I was informed that I had an hour break, which, I was assured, would be plenty enough time to find four additional performance pieces. Haha, sure. But I did. Somehow. A couple of weeks later, the same process repeated itself, minus illness, and the rest is now, well, history. 

Not as Bitter about Twitter

Maybe it’s all of the fatigue from travel and shows getting to me, but Twitter doesn’t seem as bad as it once did. Skeptical of a respected friend joining the fad, I visited the website again only to realize that you can unofficially follow people’s posts. That is, read the posts without joining the online community. One thing after another, I was on David Blaine’s page, and found his Twitter technique to be interesting. Whenever he finds an intriguing link or takes an amusing photo, he uses Twitter to share the information. It is for that purpose that I started blogging, however with blogging, one is expected to have quite a commentary accompanying whatever it is being posted. While this is wonderful, sometimes there’s just a funny page that needs little explanation. So, for this, Twitter may be a good option.

Additionally, I’ve been running little experiments with my facebook status updates, and find that the reaction time from me posting to “friends” commenting is very short. I consistently find it difficult to believe that people care about my happenings, but apparently this isn’t always the case. Hmm.

Now, I am a bit concerned that Twitter will become too consuming, and I feel weird perpetuating something for which I don’t stand (i.e. human drama addiction), but you know what, that’s not where my addictions lie, and if people are going to maintain such life styles, practically, there’s not too much I, Krystyn, can do about it. I mean, I can see Twitter being obnoxious if all one posts is mundane tidbits, but I'm pretty sure there are ways around that, and furthermore, one is in charge of whom he follows.

I'll keep you posted.

Adventures to/in Buffalo

  It's really hard to believe I've only been out of Los Angeles for two days. It seems like a week. 
  My mother and I left for Buffalo, New York, for the Society of American Magicians convention banquet Friday, July 17th, at 9:46am. Our flight was at 11:48am, and we got to the airport without any issue, checked our bag, went through security (making sure to take all knives out of my purse first), got on board the Boeing 747, and waited. I mean, waited... Two hours. There was a mechanical problem with the plane, so we sat until it was fixed. (It's a good thing French Existentialism is interesting, because that's pretty much all I had to occupy my time.) 
  So, of course, we missed our connection to Buffalo from Chicago. It was about 10:30pm Central Time then. There were three flights to Buffalo the next day, two of which were filled, and one of which would put us into town too late for the banquet. After having a spontaneous Dixieland dance party waiting in line for customer service, we were put on stand-by for the 7:45am flight, and had tickets reserved for a flight to Rochester from which we could drive into Buffalo. American Airlines put us up in a near-by hotel, and sent us away.
  By this time the baggage impoundment had closed, so we were out of luck there. We were driven to the hotel with nothing but our carry-ons. "Aloft" is where we stayed, which is very chic, modern, and mildly ridiculous lodging. The house music was bumping, people crowded around small tables in the lobby, talking excitedly. A pool game was in full swing, and then the pool itself was in full swing, losing much water owing to so many swimmers, or rather, splashers. 
  When we got to our room, which was in the height of fashion, I'm sure, I tried to start this entry, and this is as far as I got, "I think I'm in Chicago. I'm not entirely sure." I ended up reading Bukowski's Post Office in its entirety. It's an amazing read, and I highly, highly recommend it. (I guess something good did come out of a terrible lay-over.)
  I didn't sleep too well, but at 5am it didn't matter. A strawberry yogurt lite later we were on the shuttle, off to the airport. 
  Only one seat was available on the 7:45am flight, which I took. Poor Mother, on the other hand, flew to Rochester, and then drove into Buffalo. She just managed to wrangle the last rental car the airport had to offer.
  The reason why I was brought to the banquet, as I have yet to reveal, was owing to the fact that I was the recipient of the Melbourne Christopher Most Promising Newcomer Award, which was a true honour. It is so special how magicians envelop youth into the community, and I feel like the phrase "it takes a village to raise a child" is largely true. 
  Anyway, it's late over here on the East Coast, or very early morning, as the case may be, and I think that for once in what seems like three weeks, I'm going to sleep at a decent hour. Tomorrow morning before our flight, which hopefully won't cause us any problems, we're going to drive up to Niagara Falls to go on the Maid of the Mist. I'll keep you posted.

Apparently I'm Fit

So there's this European fitness channel, LA Muscle TV, and they're online, too...
Well, on one of their latest webisodes I'm sure you can guess who's featured, especially since the theme of the week on this blog seems to be shameless self-promotion. Haha. 
Regardless, here's the link.


Frequently I field requests for autographs. Thanks to the interweb and the U.S. postal service, Team Krystyn has created a handy-dandy way to facilitate this. Now all one has to do is click this link, follow the instructions, and tah-dah: a signed photograph can be coming in no time! Hurray!

"Visit Los Angeles!"

Well, it is officially Summer, and is has been since June 21st. 
Regardless, I've received a number of messages seeking advice about visiting Los Angeles, primarily about where to stay.
If you or a loved one is considering traveling to LA, please take a look the following links for some laudable (and award winning, for that matter) lodging. 

And if you're considering a weekend get away, or even a week get away on beautiful Catalina Island, why not visit ?