Oh my gosh! My life!

This is probably one of the most phenomenal events about which I've recently heard. A dear friend of mine actually experienced it first hand, as it occurred again this year. I cannot even begin to express how fortunate that human is, and how desperately I desire to have been there.

Zombies, as previously stated, are a substantial preoccupation of mine, and more literature and links regarding them will be published here soon.

"Did ya' hear?" cont.

So I read an interview with Rob Pattinson, and in it he talks about how he dresses down so that he's not swarmed with fans. He said, "The funny thing is that I’m always going around trying to look as inconspicuous as possible I find that people are always really disappointed when they actually recognize me. They are like 'Oh! At first I thought you were a bum, but then I realized who you were.'
Reading the rest of the interview brought me to his main fan forum, where there were comments left about this interview. 
In response to the quote I just shared, "Erin" wrote, "Poor guy needs a serious self esteem boost".
 Poor girl needs a brain with which to analyze information. The thing is, though, is that this is a shinning example of who posts on such forums. 

"Did ya' hear?"

Get this, I just heard (and credit to Max for telling me) that Krystyn Lambert got some form of plastic surgery in the last year (but we're not sure what), that there are two Krystyn Lamberts in magic (one who does street magic and one who does stage magic), and that Krystyn Lambert really is a married adult with a teenage daughter. 
Who knew?

What a riot. Magic forum rumors can be so entertaining!