
And to answer your question, Mark... What’s new with muh Internet life?

1. Not much. See previous post, i.e., where has the time gone?

2. But with what time I have had, this has been my new life soundtrack. (Seriously, click on the link.) I think my suitemates want to kill me, but it’s so fabulous.

3. Oh, what? A new TeamKrystyn upload?! Finally.

4. Aaand a new article! Chickity-check it out, yo!

What's new?

A truckload. This quarter at UCLA has been quite the... Well, my classes have been such the chore. Not much academically has been at all creative, but rather just a lot of work, which hasn’t allowed much time for creativity even outside of school. (Not even with internet nonsense: no blogs, no videos, few facebook dot com updates, and I've hardly remembered to tweet. (Ha.)) It’s driving me sane. I mean, I’ve been working on the ResReport, which is the UCLA television news program. (You can watch those episodes here, if you’d like.) And that's been super fun, but not exactly oozing with imagination. However, a couple of us have been developing a scripted comedy talk show that may be in production next quarter, so that’s pretty sweet. We’ll see what happens.

Magically, I’ve been working on a new rope routine as well as a new version of my flying ring routine. Both of these have been keeping me plenty busy, although it’s fairly difficult to balance school with magic. I’m finding this to be particularly frustrating, but what is there to do? I know a few people who aren’t attending college in order to focus on magic, but so much of why I’m involved with magic is because of its emphasis on intellect. Without continuing school I feel like I’d be depriving myself of that sort of development, which I just couldn’t stand. Thus here I am, and loving (just about) every minute of it. (: