Since August...

Since August quite a bit has happened. I went to UCLA orientation (August), attended MAGIC Live!, which was awesome (August), had another stomach issue (September), fretted about school (September/August), and finally moved into my "new home". You can see photos of this on my facebook dot com profile. Hurray!
Also since August I've been having these exciting allergic episodes. Well, these have been a part of my life since it began, but around May/June it started to get worse as I had a change of allergy medication. I'm allergic to dust, pollen, dogs, mold, cheese, pine, you name it. I can go to a different city where something else is bound to be in bloom to make me sniffle, sneeze, or rash, which is often quite entertaining to those around me. So, off and on I'd have a couple of days where my hearing would dull or vanish altogether, but in August (thus this story being included in this post) things continued to slip downward at remarkable speed. My throat was irritated, and soon my Eustachian tubes were fully inflamed. My immune system is my hero, but sometimes my body tries too hard to fix my problems, damaging other aspects of my life. This time it decided to close my ear canals in order to protect my tubing. During this process, however, in my left ear water became lodged behind the wax build-up. This resulted not only in the complete blockage of hearing, unlike the mere softening of sounds in my right, and additionally in massive infection. All sorts of procedures were performed in order to unclog my ears and disinfect, all of which were very painful: fluid flushed in, peeling skin ripped out (seriously), drops, nose sprays, and tablets... In short, I'm back on allergy meds.
Now, here I am at jolly UCLA, which maintains its own host of stories, (many of which will be relayed here as soon as I'm done with my Spinoza reading,) and I'm living in what looks like a log cabin and is, in fact, surrounded by pine. Leaf blowers and lawn mowers have been ever-present, and my system most certainly has been feeling the consequences, especially today and yesterday. Though really, that's one of the only negatives thus far. I'd say that's pretty darn good.